
2022湖光山色藝術季— 秋季公演


※請點圖進入節目簡介  Please click the images for more information.

111.10.15 (六) 14:30  (111.09.15 中午12點開放索票)

111.10.16 (日) 14:30

線上播放期間:111.11.15 -111.12.14


111.10.22 (六) 14:30 (111.09.22 中午12點開放索票)

111.10.23 (日) 14:30

線上播放期間:111.11.22 -111.12.21


111.10.29 (六) 19:30 (111.09.29 中午12點開放索票)

111.10.30 (日) 14:30

線上播放期間:111.11.29 -111.12.28


111.11.05 (六) 14:30 (111.10.05 中午12點開放索票)

線上播放期間:111.12.05 -112.01.04


111.11.12 (六) 14:30 (111.10.12 中午12點開放索票)

111.11.13 (日) 14:30

線上播放期間:111.12.12 -112.01.11


111.11.19 (六) 14:30 線上播放期間:111.12.19 -112.01.18

111.11.20 (日) 14:30 線上播放期間:111.12.21 -112.01.20


111.11.26 (六) 19:30 (111.10.26 中午12點開放索票)

111.11.27 (日) 14:30

線上播放期間:111.12.26 -112.01.25



111.12.17 (六) 14:30

111.12.18 (日) 14:30

(111.11.17 中午12點開放索票)


  • 索票方式:TIXFUN索票系統 (一人可索兩張票券)。
  • 索票時間:每場展演活動演出前一個月, 於TixFun網路及APP開放索票。
  • 索票網址:https:// tixfun.com
  • 索票及觀眾入場須知注意事項:
  1. 每人限索兩張票,憑「有效電子票或紙本票」入場,並請對號入座。
  2. 如有剩餘票券,將於當天開演前1小時開放排隊索票,票數有限,索完為止。
  3. 本票券保留至演出前10分鐘將開放現場觀眾補位,為維護您的權益請盡早進場。
  4. 演出前30分鐘開放觀眾入場,實際情形將視現場情況調整,演出中不得隨意進出場。
  5. 演出場地無法提供停車位,建議觀眾提早到場。
  6. 依據中央流行疫情指揮中心訂定相關警戒管制措施,請全程佩戴口罩及保持安全社交距離,並請配合表演場館防疫管理措施。
  7. 本中心依據文化部防疫管理措施指示,保留調整座位之權利。
  8. 如遇天災等不可抗拒或不可歸責之因素,將依主辦單位臨時公告更動節目演出。
  9. 相關資訊及官方網址:https://rb008.tcpa.edu.tw/p/412-1011-2970.php?Lang=zh-tw
  10. 對於索票系統或票券有任何疑問,請來電02-2796-2666#1145 朱珊珊小姐。


Ticketing Information

Distribution Method: Through TixFun Ticketing System

Distribution Period: Online distribution will be opened a month prior to the date of each performance through TixFun Website or App.

Registration Website: https:// tixfun.com

Notice for ticketing and admission of audience

1.     Each person can ONLY register for TWO tickets. Please bring the VALID TICKETS or E-TICKETS in App together with the corresponding identity document, and seat accordingly.

2.     Any unregistered tickets will be distributed one hour prior to the start of the performance on first-come-first-served basis.

3.     Tickets will be reserved until 10 minutes before the start of the performance. Any unclaimed tickets will be opened to the waiting audience.

4.     Admission will be 30 minutes prior to the start of the performance. Audience may not enter or leave the seating area until there is a suitable break in the performance.

5.     Parking space will NOT be provided. Please reserve sufficient time for travelling.

6.     According to the guidelines announced by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, surgical masks are required to be worn at all time. Compulsory social distance should be maintained. Please cooperate with the epidemic prevention measures of the performance venue.

7.  According to the guidelines announced by Ministry of Culture, our center reserves the right to adjust the seating arrangement.

8.     Performance may be excused due to unexpected circumstances.

9.     For more information, please visit the official website and the Facebook page of Performing Arts Center.

10.   For any enquiries regarding ticketing or ticket distribution system, please contact Miss CHU Shan-shan at 02-2796-2666#1145.

Performing Arts Center reserves the right to make any changes of this notice.
