Program Name: "Showcase of Taiwan’s Gong and Drum – Start from Diaoqiang"
Performing Unit: Department of Xi Qu Music
Date & Time: 10/15 (Sat) 14:30
10/16 (Sun) 14:30
Venue: Performing Arts Center, Muzha Campus, NTCPA
這是一場「鑼鼓」為主角的音樂會! 戲曲演出時,其管絃樂與唱唸身段的指揮,均在鑼鼓,「鑼鼓」可說是戲曲的靈魂。然鑼鼓樂如何淵源發展?其重要質性為何?尚無系統性之建構與舞臺實踐。緣此,特請戲曲院士曾永義教授賜題:臺灣鑼鼓大展—以「調腔」起手。
(一) 內山鑼鼓,又稱「大班鑼鼓」日治時期北部山區木柵、坪林、石碇與深坑一帶就有大班鑼鼓的樂陣,今很少見。音樂會特別再現。
(二) 踏謠鑼鼓:老歌仔戲與南管小戲鑼鼓鑼鼓,邀請曾韻清老師指導演員唱演暨音樂演奏。
六、京劇鑼鼓是音樂體製較成熟完整的劇種,由楊軍老師編創《大將出征》音樂劇,並親自上場帶領演出。 本系藉資深老師傳承經典劇目中之鑼鼓樂,並由年輕世代鑼鼓教師,共同規劃經典鑼鼓藝術傳承計畫,以劇場鑼鼓形式展現不同劇種與不同時期的鑼鼓節奏。教師們帶領戲曲音樂學系學生與京劇、歌仔戲、客家戲、北管戲演員,共同學習精確的鑼鼓引領唱腔與幫襯演員,精進戲曲音樂表演藝術技藝,俾傳統經典鑼鼓藝術在本校永續傳承發展,為臺灣的文化資產保存,盡一份心力。
It is a concert for Gongs and Drums!
In Xiqu performance, gongs and drums are the conductor for orchestra, singing and posture, which are the soul of Xiqu. Nevertheless, there is a lack of a systematic construction in the development and importance of Gong-and-Drum music as well as in practice. Hence, we have organized this concert and invited Professor Tseng, Yong-Yih, a prominent leading scholar, to name the concert as "Showcase of Taiwan's Gong and Drum – Start from Diaoqiang".
- Diaoqiang Gong and Drum: "Diaoqiang" retains the ancient format of Yiyang tone in Xiqu, which uses only gongs and drums, without wind and string instrument. This is the premiere in Taiwan.
- Local Gong and Drum
- Neishan Gong and Drum: also known as Daban Gong and Drum, which is rarely performed nowadays.
- Tayao Gong and Drum: ancient Taiwanese opera "Lu Meng-Zheng" and Nanguan skit "Taohua Takes the Ferry".
- Acrobatic Gong and Drum: popular Taiwanese acrobatics accompanied on the gong and drum orchestra.
- Hakka Tea-picking Gong and Drum: an excerpt from a Tea-picking opera "Love Under the Lanterns".
- Fu Lu Gong and Drum: an old style singing system in Beiguan music, which is instructed by and inherited from Professor Cheng Rom-shing.
- Jingju Gong and Drum: a musical "General's March" written and composed by Yang Jun, a veteran drum musician for Jingju, who also leads the performance in person.
製 作 人:劉晉立
執 行 製 作:游素凰
藝 術 顧 問:曾永義
藝 術 總 監:游素凰
行 政 總 監:王學彥
排 練 總 協 調:柯銘峰
排 練 總 監:林世連
執 行 製 作 助 理:林世連
導 演:曾憲壽
執 行 導 演:臧其亮
舞 台 監 督:蘇懷恩
燈 光 設 計:鍾宜泰
編 劇:王瓊玲
調 腔 演 員 指 導:溫宇航
調 腔 音 樂 指 導:林世連
內 山 鑼 鼓 指 導:宋金龍、莊步超、許伯榆、張育婷、陳育偉
雜 技 鑼 鼓 指 導:莊步超
雜 技 演 員 指 導:洪佩玉、陳俊安
客家採茶 鑼鼓指導 :鄭榮興
福 祿 大 鑼 鼓 指 導 :蔡晏榕
京 劇 鑼 鼓 指 導:楊軍
京劇演員 身段指導 :曾憲壽
前 台 接 待:廖苑伶、林守珍
行 政:張俊華
排 練 協 調:陳茗芳、吳岳庭、連曼廷