Program Name: The Monkey King
演出單位:國立臺灣戲曲學院 京劇學系、戲曲音樂學系
Performing Unit: Department of Jing Ju
演出時間:110 年 10月 16 日 (六) 14 :00
110 年 10月 17 日 (日) 14 :00
110 年 11月 13 日 (六) 14 :00
110 年 11月 14 日 (日) 14 :00
總長約 120分鐘(不含中場休息15分鐘)
Date & Time: 2021/10/16 (Sat) 14:00
2021/10/17 (Sun) 14:00
2021/11/13 (Sat) 14:00
2021/11/14 (Sun) 14:00
( Duration: 120 minutes excl. 15minutes intermission)
演出地點:國家圖書館 B1多功能展演廳
Venue: Multipurpose Performance Hall, B1, National Central Library
演出時間:110 年 12月 25 日 (六) 14 :30
110 年 12月 26 日 (日) 14 :30 ※同步錄影
總長約 180分鐘(含中場休息20分鐘)
Date & Time: 2021/12/25 (Sat) 14:30
2021/12/16 (Sun) 14:30
( Duration: 180 minutes incl. 20minutes intermission)
Venue: The Playhouse, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)
Sun Wu-kong, the Monkey King, goes to borrow weapon from the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King despises and tricks him into moving the sea-stabilizing cudgel. Unexpectedly, Sun Wu-kong is so powerful to subdue and shrink it down to a portable weapon, golden magical staff.
The Dragon King regrets and appeals to the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Palace for capturing Sun Wu-kong. Li Chang-geng, the Gold Star of Venus, suggests to recruit Sun Wu-kong as a stable boy with a fancy title of “the Protector of Horses”. When Sun Wu-kong discover it is the lowest position, he is angry and wreaks havoc in the stable, then returns to the Mount Huaguo and proclaims himself the “Great Sage Equaling Heaven”.
Li Chang-geng visits Sun Wu-kong on the Mount Huaguo and pretends to invite him to the Heavenly Peach Banquet. After Sun Wu-kong arrives the Heaven, he realizes that he is not invited and goes berserk, wreaking havoc in the Jade Pool and consuming all the Golden Elixir.
Since Sun Wu-kong has consumed the the Golden Elixir, even Erlang Shen, the greatest warrior god of heaven sending by the Jade Emperor, cannot cause injury to him. Therefore, the Jade Emperor locks him into the Eight Trigram Furnace in order to distill by fires. Nevertheless, Sun Wu-kong can still get out vigorously. King Li leads the Heavenly Troops to fight against Sun Wu-kong, but is eventually defeated.
Sun Wu-kong returns with victory to the Mount Huaguo.
製 作 人 :劉晉立
協 同 製 作:陳怡蓁
執 行 製 作:張宇喬
藝 術 總 監:朱陸豪
導 演:劉光桐
劇 藝 指 導:張義傑、張作楷、楊敬明、丁一保、李秋瑰、張宇喬
武 場 領 奏:呂永輝、林承穎
文 場 領 奏:廖錦麟
樂 隊:廖錦麟老師團隊
服 裝 指 導:國立臺灣戲曲學院京劇團服裝組
主 要 演 員:朱陸豪、徐挺芳、秦朗
特 邀 演 員:王海波、張作楷、楊敬明及本校京劇系學生
影 像 設 計:王奕盛
燈 光 設 計:鄧振威
舞 台 設 計:林仕倫
舞 台 監 督:黃國鋒
藝 術 行 政:林合銘、劉幼茹
合 製 單 位:趨勢教育基金會